OUR TEAM of Excellence
OUR TEAM of Excellence
OUR TEAM of Excellence

Jimmy Au
Jimmy Au 畢業於倫敦政經學院,主修金融數學和統計學,曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,屢次在數學比賽中取得佳績。他熱愛教學事業,相信只要掌握好考試技巧,每位學生都能取得優異成績。他不僅在數學和統計學方面擁有深厚的專業知識,還能幫助學生制定學習計劃,提供有效的學習方法和技巧。

Ambery Harris
Ambery Harris 畢業於劍橋大學,主修化學工程,在科技公司擔任過人工智能工程師,具有豐富的教學經驗和升學輔導經驗,特別是對英美留學生的升學輔導有深入研究。他能夠幫助學生制定有效的學習計劃,提供有效的學習技巧,幫助學生掌握考試技巧,提高成績。

Ada Hua
Ada Hua 榮譽畢業於倫敦政治經濟學院,獲得金融數學與統計學學士學位,並以一等榮譽成績脫穎而出,她更是專業的前三名。她的卓越成績讓她獲得了IMA Prize 的獎項,成為科目專業第一名的得主。
此外,Ada 還在劍橋大學 (Cambridge University) 擁有經濟與金融碩士學位,展現了她在這個領域的深厚造詣。

Cedric Peng
Cedric Peng 在倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science)獲得了金融數學與統計學的榮譽學士學位,同時也以一等榮譽獲得了理科學士學位。此外,Cedric在LSE繼續攻讀金融系並考得了碩士學位,展現了他對這個領域的深厚瞭解。

Dorothy Kwok
Dorothy Kwok 就讀於英國倫敦大學學院 (UCL),主修藝術史。另外,Dorothy Kwok 是一位非常罕見的 IB 狀元和 HKSES 全額獎學金獲得者(價值約 100 萬港幣),中文和英文均為母語,專注於語言培訓和英美院校升學輔導。她的教學方法獨具匠心,能夠根據不同學生的需求和能力制定個性化的學習計劃,幫助學生提高成績和學術水平。

Grace To 是一位在香港大學主修新聞學的畢業生,並在瑞士義大利區大學進修傳媒管理學碩士。她是一位熱心的老師,致力於為學生提供優質的教育和學習體驗。她在私人輔導方面擁有豐富的經驗,已經教授過無數學生,幫助他們在學業上取得成功。

Jerry Lau
Jerry Lau 是香港大學的傑出畢業生,擁有雙學士學位,分別是法律學士學位和社會科學學士(政治與法律)學位,并在香港大學商務法律取得A+的成績。他在大學期間傑出曾榮登院長嘉許榜。Jerry還獲得了香港大學法學專業證書。此外,Jerry更在UCL繼續攻讀法律,考得了法律碩士學位。他對法律事務的熟悉和精通,將以其豐富的經驗和卓越的學術背景,幫助學生們在英文學習和雅思考試中取得卓越的成績。

Frankie Leung 畢業於英國愛丁堡大學機械工程專業,並在倫敦大學學院攻讀工程及金融理學碩士。他專注於理科教學和英美升學輔導,並擅長為學生量身定制的學習計劃和提供全方位的學術輔導,幫助學生克服學習上的困難,更好地達成自己的目標。

Charlotte Lam
Charlotte Lam 畢業於香港大學,專業是牙醫外科學士(BDS)。Charlotte在學業上表現優秀,在大學能力傾向考試(UCAT)中總分近3000分,超過90%的醫科考生。在香港中學文憑考試中,她在數學科目獲得5**,在生物學、化學、英語和物理科目獲得5*的最高等級。她曾獲得K.E. BARKER數學獎項,證明了她在學術方面的卓越表現。

Amos Ho
Amos Ho 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,攻讀MD醫學專業,並成為新南威爾士醫學"神科"的優秀學子。Amos具備廣泛的醫學知識和豐富的學術經驗。他對於醫學的熱情以及對學生的耐心和關心使得他成為一名優秀的導師。

Da Ke
Da Ke 畢業於英國愛丁堡大學,專業是結構與消防安全工程碩士。Da Ke在該領域具有豐富的知識和經驗。他曾與美國農業部林業局和桑迪亞國家實驗室合作,參與有關"BAKED ALASKA"泥炭垂直繁殖的實驗,這項研究對於生態保育和環境安全具有重要意義。

Rachel Lin
Amos Ho 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,攻讀MD醫學專業,並成為新南威爾士醫學"神科"的優秀學子。Amos具備廣泛的醫學知識和豐富的學術經驗。他對於醫學的熱情以及對學生的耐心和關心使得他成為一名優秀的導師。

Joyce Lee 就讀倫敦大學學院(UCL)的政治學專業,擅長英語及藝術學,曾在IB考試中獲得超高分數。她致力於提供優質的語文教學和英國留學諮詢服務,用心呵護每一位學生,助力他們實現自己的夢想。

Linda Wang
Linda Wang 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Mack Cheung
Mack Cheung 於英國愛丁堡大學畢業,擁有心理學碩士學位。曾擔任愛丁堡大學香港國際學會副會長,以及曾在 Amwell View School 擔任助教。他專注於理科以及英語教學,並對於學生心理有著深入的研究,擅長提供學生全方位的學習輔導和有效的學習計策。

Christy Cheung
Christy Cheung 就讀於香港大學,攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。她在GCE A-Level 理科和中文克考獲了5A* 的超卓成績,在大學能力傾向考試UCAT更是獲得優越的成績,總分近3000,超越90%的醫科考生。她曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,並具有三年教育輔導經驗,學生範圍從IGCSE到GCE A-Level。 Christy 成績優越,教育輔導經驗豐富,能夠有效地為學生提高學術水平。

Katie Hui
Katie Hui 在香港大學攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。 在HKDSE 考得了相當好的成績,在生物學、化學、經濟學和英語皆取得了5*,並在通識科取得了5**。Katie 曾參與關於“不同濕度下堆填覆合材料抗壓强度的比較”。她對於學術研究的熱誠和對學生的認真,使她能夠成爲出色的導師,幫助學生取得理想的成績,和多方面的發展。

Dr. Y
Dr. Y 是一位於香港科技大學畢業的機械與航空航天學博士,並擁有數神的稱號。此外,他在哈爾濱工業大學獲得了電子學院測量技術與儀器專業學士學位。他出色的學術造詣和教育經驗可以助力和激勵學生學生實現自己的夢想。

Kevin C.
Kevin C. 於香港大學分別獲得教育學碩士(物理學)、教育專業研究生文憑(物理學),以及理學士學位Bsc (物理學、心理學)。他曾任職於數間香港傳統名校,是一位持牌IB數學及物理學的15年傳統名校導師。他教育經驗相當豐富,對於理科擁有深入研究。他熱充教學,教授過無數學生,并且有效地幫助他們取得學術上的成功。

Jason Yip
Jason Yip 擁有英國蘭卡斯特大學數據科學碩士學位,以及商業分析和諮詢學士學位,輔修金融專業 。 他精通多種程式設計語言,以及商業知識。 Jason 曾在知名學校擔任兼職教師助理和 IT協調員,并且曾在 Smart2Go 任職技術助理,纍積了不少專業實踐經驗。 憑藉在數據科學方面的專業知識、深厚的教育背景和輔導經驗,Jason 能夠有效提供高品質的教育和輔導。

Emily Chen
Emily Chen 在 英國倫敦帝國理工學院(ICL) 攻讀數學系本碩士連讀 課程,成功地從體制内轉軌到英國教育體系。Emily在 A-level 考試中取得了優異的成績,獲得了A*A*A的成績,并且在 A-level 數學表現出色,獲得了 600 分的滿分成績。Emily 擁有紮實的數學基礎和深厚的學術研究,是一位敬業且知識淵博的導師,可以有效地傳達複雜的數學概念並幫助學生在學習中取得優異成績。

Dr. Y
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Kevin C.
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Katie Hui
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Christy Cheung
Christy Cheung 就讀於香港大學,攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。她在GCE A-Level 理科和中文科考獲了5A* 的超卓成績,在大學能力傾向考試UCAT更是獲得優越的成績,總分近3000,超越90%的醫科考生。她曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,並具有三年教育輔導經驗,學生範圍從IGCSE到GCE A-Level。 Christy 成績優越,教育輔導經驗豐富,能夠有效地為學生提高學術水平。

Jason Yip
Kevin C. 於香港大學分別獲得教育學碩士(物理學)、教育專業研究生文憑(物理學),以及理學士學位Bsc (物理學、心理學)。他曾任職於數間香港傳統名校,是一位持牌IB數學及物理學的15年傳統名校導師。他教育經驗相當豐富,對於理科擁有深入研究。他熱充教學,教授過無數學生,并且有效地幫助他們取得學術上的成功。

Jimmy Au
Jimmy Au 畢業於倫敦政經學院,主修金融數學和統計學,曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,屢次在數學比賽中取得佳績。他熱愛教學事業,相信只要掌握好考試技巧,每位學生都能取得優異成績。他不僅在數學和統計學方面擁有深厚的專業知識,還能幫助學生制定學習計劃,提供有效的學習方法和技巧。

Ambery Harris
Ambery Harris 畢業於劍橋大學,主修化學工程,在科技公司擔任過人工智能工程師,具有豐富的教學經驗和升學輔導經驗,特別是對英美留學生的升學輔導有深入研究。他能夠幫助學生制定有效的學習計劃,提供有效的學習技巧,幫助學生掌握考試技巧,提高成績。

Ada Hua
Ada Hua 榮譽畢業於倫敦政治經濟學院,獲得金融數學與統計學學士學位,並以一等榮譽成績脫穎而出,她更是專業的前三名。她的卓越成績讓她獲得了IMA Prize 的獎項,成為科目專業第一名的得主。
此外,Ada 還在劍橋大學 (Cambridge University) 擁有經濟與金融碩士學位,展現了她在這個領域的深厚造詣。

Cedric Peng
Cedric Peng 在倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science)獲得了金融數學與統計學的榮譽學士學位,同時也以一等榮譽獲得了理科學士學位。此外,Cedric在LSE繼續攻讀金融系並考得了碩士學位,展現了他對這個領域的深厚瞭解。

Dorothy Kwok
Dorothy Kwok 就讀於英國倫敦大學學院 (UCL),主修藝術史。另外,Dorothy Kwok 是一位非常罕見的 IB 狀元和 HKSES 全額獎學金獲得者(價值約 100 萬港幣),中文和英文均為母語,專注於語言培訓和英美院校升學輔導。她的教學方法獨具匠心,能夠根據不同學生的需求和能力制定個性化的學習計劃,幫助學生提高成績和學術水平。

Grace To 是一位在香港大學主修新聞學的畢業生,並在瑞士義大利區大學進修傳媒管理學碩士。她是一位熱心的老師,致力於為學生提供優質的教育和學習體驗。她在私人輔導方面擁有豐富的經驗,已經教授過無數學生,幫助他們在學業上取得成功。

Jerry Lau
Jerry Lau 是香港大學的傑出畢業生,擁有雙學士學位,分別是法律學士學位和社會科學學士(政治與法律)學位,并在香港大學商務法律取得A+的成績。他在大學期間傑出曾榮登院長嘉許榜。Jerry還獲得了香港大學法學專業證書。此外,Jerry更在UCL繼續攻讀法律,考得了法律碩士學位。他對法律事務的熟悉和精通,將以其豐富的經驗和卓越的學術背景,幫助學生們在英文學習和雅思考試中取得卓越的成績。

Frankie Leung 畢業於英國愛丁堡大學機械工程專業,並在倫敦大學學院攻讀工程及金融理學碩士。他專注於理科教學和英美升學輔導,並擅長為學生量身定制的學習計劃和提供全方位的學術輔導,幫助學生克服學習上的困難,更好地達成自己的目標。

Charlotte Lam
Charlotte Lam 畢業於香港大學,專業是牙醫外科學士(BDS)。Charlotte在學業上表現優秀,在大學能力傾向考試(UCAT)中總分近3000分,超過90%的醫科考生。在香港中學文憑考試中,她在數學科目獲得5**,在生物學、化學、英語和物理科目獲得5*的最高等級。她曾獲得K.E. BARKER數學獎項,證明了她在學術方面的卓越表現。

Amos Ho
Amos Ho 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,攻讀MD醫學專業,並成為新南威爾士醫學"神科"的優秀學子。Amos具備廣泛的醫學知識和豐富的學術經驗。他對於醫學的熱情以及對學生的耐心和關心使得他成為一名優秀的導師。

Da Ke
Da Ke 畢業於英國愛丁堡大學,專業是結構與消防安全工程碩士。Da Ke在該領域具有豐富的知識和經驗。他曾與美國農業部林業局和桑迪亞國家實驗室合作,參與有關"BAKED ALASKA"泥炭垂直繁殖的實驗,這項研究對於生態保育和環境安全具有重要意義。

Rachel Lin
Amos Ho 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,攻讀MD醫學專業,並成為新南威爾士醫學"神科"的優秀學子。Amos具備廣泛的醫學知識和豐富的學術經驗。他對於醫學的熱情以及對學生的耐心和關心使得他成為一名優秀的導師。

Joyce Lee 就讀倫敦大學學院(UCL)的政治學專業,擅長英語及藝術學,曾在IB考試中獲得超高分數。她致力於提供優質的語文教學和英國留學諮詢服務,用心呵護每一位學生,助力他們實現自己的夢想。

Linda Wang
Linda Wang 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Mack Cheung
Mack Cheung 於英國愛丁堡大學畢業,擁有心理學碩士學位。曾擔任愛丁堡大學香港國際學會副會長,以及曾在 Amwell View School 擔任助教。他專注於理科以及英語教學,並對於學生心理有著深入的研究,擅長提供學生全方位的學習輔導和有效的學習計策。

Christy Cheung
Christy Cheung 就讀於香港大學,攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。她在GCE A-Level 理科和中文克考獲了5A* 的超卓成績,在大學能力傾向考試UCAT更是獲得優越的成績,總分近3000,超越90%的醫科考生。她曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,並具有三年教育輔導經驗,學生範圍從IGCSE到GCE A-Level。 Christy 成績優越,教育輔導經驗豐富,能夠有效地為學生提高學術水平。

Katie Hui
Katie Hui 在香港大學攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。 在HKDSE 考得了相當好的成績,在生物學、化學、經濟學和英語皆取得了5*,並在通識科取得了5**。Katie 曾參與關於“不同濕度下堆填覆合材料抗壓强度的比較”。她對於學術研究的熱誠和對學生的認真,使她能夠成爲出色的導師,幫助學生取得理想的成績,和多方面的發展。

Dr. Y
Dr. Y 是一位於香港科技大學畢業的機械與航空航天學博士,並擁有數神的稱號。此外,他在哈爾濱工業大學獲得了電子學院測量技術與儀器專業學士學位。他出色的學術造詣和教育經驗可以助力和激勵學生學生實現自己的夢想。

Kevin C.
Kevin C. 於香港大學分別獲得教育學碩士(物理學)、教育專業研究生文憑(物理學),以及理學士學位Bsc (物理學、心理學)。他曾任職於數間香港傳統名校,是一位持牌IB數學及物理學的15年傳統名校導師。他教育經驗相當豐富,對於理科擁有深入研究。他熱充教學,教授過無數學生,并且有效地幫助他們取得學術上的成功。

Jason Yip
Jason Yip 擁有英國蘭卡斯特大學數據科學碩士學位,以及商業分析和諮詢學士學位,輔修金融專業 。 他精通多種程式設計語言,以及商業知識。 Jason 曾在知名學校擔任兼職教師助理和 IT協調員,并且曾在 Smart2Go 任職技術助理,纍積了不少專業實踐經驗。 憑藉在數據科學方面的專業知識、深厚的教育背景和輔導經驗,Jason 能夠有效提供高品質的教育和輔導。

Emily Chen
Emily Chen 在 英國倫敦帝國理工學院(ICL) 攻讀數學系本碩士連讀 課程,成功地從體制内轉軌到英國教育體系。Emily在 A-level 考試中取得了優異的成績,獲得了A*A*A的成績,并且在 A-level 數學表現出色,獲得了 600 分的滿分成績。Emily 擁有紮實的數學基礎和深厚的學術研究,是一位敬業且知識淵博的導師,可以有效地傳達複雜的數學概念並幫助學生在學習中取得優異成績。

Dr. Y
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Kevin C.
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Katie Hui
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Christy Cheung
Christy Cheung 就讀於香港大學,攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。她在GCE A-Level 理科和中文科考獲了5A* 的超卓成績,在大學能力傾向考試UCAT更是獲得優越的成績,總分近3000,超越90%的醫科考生。她曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,並具有三年教育輔導經驗,學生範圍從IGCSE到GCE A-Level。 Christy 成績優越,教育輔導經驗豐富,能夠有效地為學生提高學術水平。

Jason Yip
Kevin C. 於香港大學分別獲得教育學碩士(物理學)、教育專業研究生文憑(物理學),以及理學士學位Bsc (物理學、心理學)。他曾任職於數間香港傳統名校,是一位持牌IB數學及物理學的15年傳統名校導師。他教育經驗相當豐富,對於理科擁有深入研究。他熱充教學,教授過無數學生,并且有效地幫助他們取得學術上的成功。

Jimmy Au
Jimmy Au 畢業於倫敦政經學院,主修金融數學和統計學,曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,屢次在數學比賽中取得佳績。他熱愛教學事業,相信只要掌握好考試技巧,每位學生都能取得優異成績。他不僅在數學和統計學方面擁有深厚的專業知識,還能幫助學生制定學習計劃,提供有效的學習方法和技巧。

Ambery Harris
Ambery Harris 畢業於劍橋大學,主修化學工程,在科技公司擔任過人工智能工程師,具有豐富的教學經驗和升學輔導經驗,特別是對英美留學生的升學輔導有深入研究。他能夠幫助學生制定有效的學習計劃,提供有效的學習技巧,幫助學生掌握考試技巧,提高成績。

Ada Hua
Ada Hua 榮譽畢業於倫敦政治經濟學院,獲得金融數學與統計學學士學位,並以一等榮譽成績脫穎而出,她更是專業的前三名。她的卓越成績讓她獲得了IMA Prize 的獎項,成為科目專業第一名的得主。
此外,Ada 還在劍橋大學 (Cambridge University) 擁有經濟與金融碩士學位,展現了她在這個領域的深厚造詣。

Cedric Peng
Cedric Peng 在倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science)獲得了金融數學與統計學的榮譽學士學位,同時也以一等榮譽獲得了理科學士學位。此外,Cedric在LSE繼續攻讀金融系並考得了碩士學位,展現了他對這個領域的深厚瞭解。

Dorothy Kwok
Dorothy Kwok 就讀於英國倫敦大學學院 (UCL),主修藝術史。另外,Dorothy Kwok 是一位非常罕見的 IB 狀元和 HKSES 全額獎學金獲得者(價值約 100 萬港幣),中文和英文均為母語,專注於語言培訓和英美院校升學輔導。她的教學方法獨具匠心,能夠根據不同學生的需求和能力制定個性化的學習計劃,幫助學生提高成績和學術水平。

Grace To 是一位在香港大學主修新聞學的畢業生,並在瑞士義大利區大學進修傳媒管理學碩士。她是一位熱心的老師,致力於為學生提供優質的教育和學習體驗。她在私人輔導方面擁有豐富的經驗,已經教授過無數學生,幫助他們在學業上取得成功。

Jerry Lau
Jerry Lau 是香港大學的傑出畢業生,擁有雙學士學位,分別是法律學士學位和社會科學學士(政治與法律)學位,并在香港大學商務法律取得A+的成績。他在大學期間傑出曾榮登院長嘉許榜。Jerry還獲得了香港大學法學專業證書。此外,Jerry更在UCL繼續攻讀法律,考得了法律碩士學位。他對法律事務的熟悉和精通,將以其豐富的經驗和卓越的學術背景,幫助學生們在英文學習和雅思考試中取得卓越的成績。

Frankie Leung 畢業於英國愛丁堡大學機械工程專業,並在倫敦大學學院攻讀工程及金融理學碩士。他專注於理科教學和英美升學輔導,並擅長為學生量身定制的學習計劃和提供全方位的學術輔導,幫助學生克服學習上的困難,更好地達成自己的目標。

Charlotte Lam
Charlotte Lam 畢業於香港大學,專業是牙醫外科學士(BDS)。Charlotte在學業上表現優秀,在大學能力傾向考試(UCAT)中總分近3000分,超過90%的醫科考生。在香港中學文憑考試中,她在數學科目獲得5**,在生物學、化學、英語和物理科目獲得5*的最高等級。她曾獲得K.E. BARKER數學獎項,證明了她在學術方面的卓越表現。

Amos Ho
Amos Ho 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,攻讀MD醫學專業,並成為新南威爾士醫學"神科"的優秀學子。Amos具備廣泛的醫學知識和豐富的學術經驗。他對於醫學的熱情以及對學生的耐心和關心使得他成為一名優秀的導師。

Da Ke
Da Ke 畢業於英國愛丁堡大學,專業是結構與消防安全工程碩士。Da Ke在該領域具有豐富的知識和經驗。他曾與美國農業部林業局和桑迪亞國家實驗室合作,參與有關"BAKED ALASKA"泥炭垂直繁殖的實驗,這項研究對於生態保育和環境安全具有重要意義。

Rachel Lin
Amos Ho 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,攻讀MD醫學專業,並成為新南威爾士醫學"神科"的優秀學子。Amos具備廣泛的醫學知識和豐富的學術經驗。他對於醫學的熱情以及對學生的耐心和關心使得他成為一名優秀的導師。

Joyce Lee 就讀倫敦大學學院(UCL)的政治學專業,擅長英語及藝術學,曾在IB考試中獲得超高分數。她致力於提供優質的語文教學和英國留學諮詢服務,用心呵護每一位學生,助力他們實現自己的夢想。

Linda Wang
Linda Wang 畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Mack Cheung
Mack Cheung 於英國愛丁堡大學畢業,擁有心理學碩士學位。曾擔任愛丁堡大學香港國際學會副會長,以及曾在 Amwell View School 擔任助教。他專注於理科以及英語教學,並對於學生心理有著深入的研究,擅長提供學生全方位的學習輔導和有效的學習計策。

Christy Cheung
Christy Cheung 就讀於香港大學,攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。她在GCE A-Level 理科和中文克考獲了5A* 的超卓成績,在大學能力傾向考試UCAT更是獲得優越的成績,總分近3000,超越90%的醫科考生。她曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,並具有三年教育輔導經驗,學生範圍從IGCSE到GCE A-Level。 Christy 成績優越,教育輔導經驗豐富,能夠有效地為學生提高學術水平。

Katie Hui
Katie Hui 在香港大學攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。 在HKDSE 考得了相當好的成績,在生物學、化學、經濟學和英語皆取得了5*,並在通識科取得了5**。Katie 曾參與關於“不同濕度下堆填覆合材料抗壓强度的比較”。她對於學術研究的熱誠和對學生的認真,使她能夠成爲出色的導師,幫助學生取得理想的成績,和多方面的發展。

Dr. Y
Dr. Y 是一位於香港科技大學畢業的機械與航空航天學博士,並擁有數神的稱號。此外,他在哈爾濱工業大學獲得了電子學院測量技術與儀器專業學士學位。他出色的學術造詣和教育經驗可以助力和激勵學生學生實現自己的夢想。

Kevin C.
Kevin C. 於香港大學分別獲得教育學碩士(物理學)、教育專業研究生文憑(物理學),以及理學士學位Bsc (物理學、心理學)。他曾任職於數間香港傳統名校,是一位持牌IB數學及物理學的15年傳統名校導師。他教育經驗相當豐富,對於理科擁有深入研究。他熱充教學,教授過無數學生,并且有效地幫助他們取得學術上的成功。

Jason Yip
Jason Yip 擁有英國蘭卡斯特大學數據科學碩士學位,以及商業分析和諮詢學士學位,輔修金融專業 。 他精通多種程式設計語言,以及商業知識。 Jason 曾在知名學校擔任兼職教師助理和 IT協調員,并且曾在 Smart2Go 任職技術助理,纍積了不少專業實踐經驗。 憑藉在數據科學方面的專業知識、深厚的教育背景和輔導經驗,Jason 能夠有效提供高品質的教育和輔導。

Emily Chen
Emily Chen 在 英國倫敦帝國理工學院(ICL) 攻讀數學系本碩士連讀 課程,成功地從體制内轉軌到英國教育體系。Emily在 A-level 考試中取得了優異的成績,獲得了A*A*A的成績,并且在 A-level 數學表現出色,獲得了 600 分的滿分成績。Emily 擁有紮實的數學基礎和深厚的學術研究,是一位敬業且知識淵博的導師,可以有效地傳達複雜的數學概念並幫助學生在學習中取得優異成績。

Dr. Y
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Kevin C.
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Katie Hui
Linda Wang畢業於澳洲新南威爾士大學,擁有醫學硏究學士和醫學博士學位。曾在澳洲的Target Coaching College擔任導師和管理員,主攻數學、化學、生物和醫學課程的輔導,經驗豐富。她的教學方式不僅適合個別教學,也擅長小組教學,確保學生獲得最佳的學習成果。

Christy Cheung
Christy Cheung 就讀於香港大學,攻讀牙醫外科學士BDS。她在GCE A-Level 理科和中文科考獲了5A* 的超卓成績,在大學能力傾向考試UCAT更是獲得優越的成績,總分近3000,超越90%的醫科考生。她曾就讀於全英國第一高中Cardiff Sixth Form College,並具有三年教育輔導經驗,學生範圍從IGCSE到GCE A-Level。 Christy 成績優越,教育輔導經驗豐富,能夠有效地為學生提高學術水平。

Jason Yip
Kevin C. 於香港大學分別獲得教育學碩士(物理學)、教育專業研究生文憑(物理學),以及理學士學位Bsc (物理學、心理學)。他曾任職於數間香港傳統名校,是一位持牌IB數學及物理學的15年傳統名校導師。他教育經驗相當豐富,對於理科擁有深入研究。他熱充教學,教授過無數學生,并且有效地幫助他們取得學術上的成功。

Jimmy Au
Managing Director / Maths and Science Instructor
Jimmy Au graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, majoring in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. A proud alumnus of Cardiff Sixth Form College, the UK's leading sixth form institution, he has excelled in numerous mathematics competitions.
Passionate about education, he believes that mastering exam techniques can propel every student to academic excellence. Beyond his deep expertise in mathematics and statistics, he adeptly guides students in formulating study strategies and implementing effective learning methods.

Jimmy Au
Managing Director / Maths and Science Instructor
Jimmy Au graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, majoring in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. A proud alumnus of Cardiff Sixth Form College, the UK's leading sixth form institution, he has excelled in numerous mathematics competitions.
Passionate about education, he believes that mastering exam techniques can propel every student to academic excellence. Beyond his deep expertise in mathematics and statistics, he adeptly guides students in formulating study strategies and implementing effective learning methods.

Jimmy Au
Managing Director / Maths and Science Instructor
Jimmy Au graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, majoring in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. A proud alumnus of Cardiff Sixth Form College, the UK's leading sixth form institution, he has excelled in numerous mathematics competitions.
Passionate about education, he believes that mastering exam techniques can propel every student to academic excellence. Beyond his deep expertise in mathematics and statistics, he adeptly guides students in formulating study strategies and implementing effective learning methods.

Ambery Harris
Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Ambery Harris, a distinguished graduate of the University of Cambridge, specialized in Chemical Engineering. He has made his mark as an artificial intelligence engineer in top-tier tech firms. With extensive teaching and guidance experience, especially for UK and US academic aspirants, she expertly crafts learning plans, offering refined learning techniques to enhance students' academic outcomes.

Ambery Harris
Ambery Harris, a distinguished graduate of the University of Cambridge, specialized in Chemical Engineering. He has made his mark as an artificial intelligence engineer in top-tier tech firms. With extensive teaching and guidance experience, especially for UK and US academic aspirants, she expertly crafts learning plans, offering refined learning techniques to enhance students' academic outcomes.

Ambery Harris
Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Ambery Harris, a distinguished graduate of the University of Cambridge, specialized in Chemical Engineering. He has made his mark as an artificial intelligence engineer in top-tier tech firms. With extensive teaching and guidance experience, especially for UK and US academic aspirants, she expertly crafts learning plans, offering refined learning techniques to enhance students' academic outcomes.

Dorothy Kwok
Liberal Arts Instructor/ UK and US Education Consultant
Dorothy Kwok, currently studying Art History at University College London (UCL), is notably an IB top achiever and a recipient of the full HKSES scholarship, valued at around 1 million Hong Kong dollars. Bilingual in Chinese and English, she specializes in language training and mentorship for those targeting top UK and US institutions. Her teaching approach is tailored, focusing on individualized academic strategies to boost student performance and elevate their academic standards.

Dorothy Kwok
Liberal Arts Instructor/ UK and US Education Consultant
Dorothy Kwok, currently studying Art History at University College London (UCL), is notably an IB top achiever and a recipient of the full HKSES scholarship, valued at around 1 million Hong Kong dollars. Bilingual in Chinese and English, she specializes in language training and mentorship for those targeting top UK and US institutions. Her teaching approach is tailored, focusing on individualized academic strategies to boost student performance and elevate their academic standards.

Dorothy Kwok
Liberal Arts Instructor/ UK and US Education Consultant
Dorothy Kwok, currently studying Art History at University College London (UCL), is notably an IB top achiever and a recipient of the full HKSES scholarship, valued at around 1 million Hong Kong dollars. Bilingual in Chinese and English, she specializes in language training and mentorship for those targeting top UK and US institutions. Her teaching approach is tailored, focusing on individualized academic strategies to boost student performance and elevate their academic standards.

Ada Hua
Finance and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Ada Hua graduated with honors from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) with a Bachelor's degree in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. She distinguished herself with a First-Class Honours degree, ranking within the top three in her major. Her remarkable achievements earned her the IMA Prize, recognizing her as the top student in her field. Additionally, Ada holds a Master's degree in Economics and Finance from Cambridge University, demonstrating her profound expertise in the area.

Ada Hua
Finance and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Ada Hua graduated with honors from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) with a Bachelor's degree in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. She distinguished herself with a First-Class Honours degree, ranking within the top three in her major. Her remarkable achievements earned her the IMA Prize, recognizing her as the top student in her field. Additionally, Ada holds a Master's degree in Economics and Finance from Cambridge University, demonstrating her profound expertise in the area.

Ada Hua
Finance and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Ada Hua graduated with honors from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) with a Bachelor's degree in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. She distinguished herself with a First-Class Honours degree, ranking within the top three in her major. Her remarkable achievements earned her the IMA Prize, recognizing her as the top student in her field. Additionally, Ada holds a Master's degree in Economics and Finance from Cambridge University, demonstrating her profound expertise in the area.

Cedric Peng
Finance and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Cedric Peng earned his Honours Bachelor's degree in Financial Mathematics and Statistics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and also received a First-Class Honours in Bachelor of Science. He furthered his studies at LSE, acquiring a Master's degree in Finance. Cedric has valuable industry experience, having worked as a Global Banking Summer Analyst at Hang Seng Bank (part of HSBC Group) and an Investment Banking Intern at China Securities. These experiences granted him deep insights into the workings of the financial industry and international market trends.

Cedric Peng
Finance and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Cedric Peng earned his Honours Bachelor's degree in Financial Mathematics and Statistics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and also received a First-Class Honours in Bachelor of Science. He furthered his studies at LSE, acquiring a Master's degree in Finance. Cedric has valuable industry experience, having worked as a Global Banking Summer Analyst at Hang Seng Bank (part of HSBC Group) and an Investment Banking Intern at China Securities. These experiences granted him deep insights into the workings of the financial industry and international market trends.

Cedric Peng
Finance and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Cedric Peng earned his Honours Bachelor's degree in Financial Mathematics and Statistics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and also received a First-Class Honours in Bachelor of Science. He furthered his studies at LSE, acquiring a Master's degree in Finance. Cedric has valuable industry experience, having worked as a Global Banking Summer Analyst at Hang Seng Bank (part of HSBC Group) and an Investment Banking Intern at China Securities. These experiences granted him deep insights into the workings of the financial industry and international market trends.

Liberal Arts Instructor/ Europe Education Consultant
Grace To is a graduate from the University of Hong Kong, majoring in Journalism, and furthered her studies in Media Management at a university in the Italian region of Switzerland. A passionate educator, she is committed to delivering high-quality education and ensuring enriching learning experiences for her students.

Liberal Arts Instructor/ Europe Education Consultant
Grace To is a graduate from the University of Hong Kong, majoring in Journalism, and furthered her studies in Media Management at a university in the Italian region of Switzerland. A passionate educator, she is committed to delivering high-quality education and ensuring enriching learning experiences for her students.

Liberal Arts Instructor/ Europe Education Consultant
Grace To is a graduate from the University of Hong Kong, majoring in Journalism, and furthered her studies in Media Management at a university in the Italian region of Switzerland. A passionate educator, she is committed to delivering high-quality education and ensuring enriching learning experiences for her students.

Jerry Lau
English and IELTS Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Jerry Lau is an illustrious graduate of the University of Hong Kong, holding dual Bachelor's degrees in Law and Social Sciences (Politics and Law). Jerry achieved an A+ in Business Law and was frequently recognized on the Dean's List during his university years. Additionally, he received a professional certificate in Law from the University of Hong Kong. Jerry's extensive legal knowledge and academic excellence positions him perfectly to help students excel in English studies and IELTS examinations.

Jerry Lau
English and IELTS Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Jerry Lau is an illustrious graduate of the University of Hong Kong, holding dual Bachelor's degrees in Law and Social Sciences (Politics and Law). Jerry achieved an A+ in Business Law and was frequently recognized on the Dean's List during his university years. Additionally, he received a professional certificate in Law from the University of Hong Kong. Jerry's extensive legal knowledge and academic excellence positions him perfectly to help students excel in English studies and IELTS examinations.

Jerry Lau
English and IELTS Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Jerry Lau is an illustrious graduate of the University of Hong Kong, holding dual Bachelor's degrees in Law and Social Sciences (Politics and Law). Jerry achieved an A+ in Business Law and was frequently recognized on the Dean's List during his university years. Additionally, he received a professional certificate in Law from the University of Hong Kong. Jerry's extensive legal knowledge and academic excellence positions him perfectly to help students excel in English studies and IELTS examinations.

Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Frankie Leung completed his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh and pursued a Master's degree in Engineering and Finance at University College London. Specializing in STEM education and guidance for UK and US university admissions, he customizes learning plans for his students, ensuring they overcome academic challenges and reach their aspirations.

Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Frankie Leung completed his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh and pursued a Master's degree in Engineering and Finance at University College London. Specializing in STEM education and guidance for UK and US university admissions, he customizes learning plans for his students, ensuring they overcome academic challenges and reach their aspirations.

Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Frankie Leung completed his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh and pursued a Master's degree in Engineering and Finance at University College London. Specializing in STEM education and guidance for UK and US university admissions, he customizes learning plans for his students, ensuring they overcome academic challenges and reach their aspirations.

Charlotte Lam
UCAT and Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Charlotte Lam is a graduate of the University of Hong Kong with a BDS degree in Dental Surgery. She scored near 3000 in the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT), surpassing 90% of medical students. Her academic excellence was further highlighted in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examinations, achieving top grades in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, English, and Physics. She was also honored with the K.E. BARKER Mathematics award.

Charlotte Lam
UCAT and Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Charlotte Lam is a graduate of the University of Hong Kong with a BDS degree in Dental Surgery. She scored near 3000 in the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT), surpassing 90% of medical students. Her academic excellence was further highlighted in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examinations, achieving top grades in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, English, and Physics. She was also honored with the K.E. BARKER Mathematics award.

Charlotte Lam
UCAT and Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Charlotte Lam is a graduate of the University of Hong Kong with a BDS degree in Dental Surgery. She scored near 3000 in the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT), surpassing 90% of medical students. Her academic excellence was further highlighted in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examinations, achieving top grades in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, English, and Physics. She was also honored with the K.E. BARKER Mathematics award.

Amos Ho
Science and Maths Tutor/ Australia Education Consultant
Amos Ho graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, majoring in Medicine (MD) and stood out as an exemplary student in the challenging Medical program. His comprehensive medical knowledge, combined with his genuine care and patience, make him an exceptional tutor.

Amos Ho
Science and Maths Tutor/ Australia Education Consultant
Amos Ho graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, majoring in Medicine (MD) and stood out as an exemplary student in the challenging Medical program. His comprehensive medical knowledge, combined with his genuine care and patience, make him an exceptional tutor.

Amos Ho
Science and Maths Tutor/ Australia Education Consultant
Amos Ho graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, majoring in Medicine (MD) and stood out as an exemplary student in the challenging Medical program. His comprehensive medical knowledge, combined with his genuine care and patience, make him an exceptional tutor.

Da Ke
Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Da Ke holds a Master's degree in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering from the University of Edinburgh. He collaborated with the USDA Forest Service and Sandia National Laboratories on the "BAKED ALASKA" peat vertical propagation experiment, a pivotal study in ecological conservation and environmental safety.

Da Ke
Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Da Ke holds a Master's degree in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering from the University of Edinburgh. He collaborated with the USDA Forest Service and Sandia National Laboratories on the "BAKED ALASKA" peat vertical propagation experiment, a pivotal study in ecological conservation and environmental safety.

Da Ke
Science and Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Da Ke holds a Master's degree in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering from the University of Edinburgh. He collaborated with the USDA Forest Service and Sandia National Laboratories on the "BAKED ALASKA" peat vertical propagation experiment, a pivotal study in ecological conservation and environmental safety.

Rachel Lin
Business and Economics Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Rachel Lin is enrolled in the International Business and Global Management program at the University of Hong Kong. She previously attended Headington School, a prestigious girls' school in the UK, achieving top A* grades in A-Level Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and Physics. Rachel's extensive teaching experience empowers students to fully realize their potential and attain exceptional results.

Rachel Lin
Business and Economics Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Rachel Lin is enrolled in the International Business and Global Management program at the University of Hong Kong. She previously attended Headington School, a prestigious girls' school in the UK, achieving top A* grades in A-Level Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and Physics. Rachel's extensive teaching experience empowers students to fully realize their potential and attain exceptional results.

Rachel Lin
Business and Economics Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Rachel Lin is enrolled in the International Business and Global Management program at the University of Hong Kong. She previously attended Headington School, a prestigious girls' school in the UK, achieving top A* grades in A-Level Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and Physics. Rachel's extensive teaching experience empowers students to fully realize their potential and attain exceptional results.

Liberal Arts Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Joyce Lee, studying Political Science at University College London (UCL), excels in English and Arts. Her dedication to top-tier language education and UK university consultation ensures students receive the best guidance on their educational journey.

Liberal Arts Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Joyce Lee, studying Political Science at University College London (UCL), excels in English and Arts. Her dedication to top-tier language education and UK university consultation ensures students receive the best guidance on their educational journey.

Liberal Arts Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Joyce Lee, studying Political Science at University College London (UCL), excels in English and Arts. Her dedication to top-tier language education and UK university consultation ensures students receive the best guidance on their educational journey.

Linda Wang
Science Instructor/ Australia Education Consultant
Linda Wang graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, holding a Bachelor's degree in Medical Research and a Doctorate in Medicine. She's previously instructed at Australia's Target Coaching College, specializing in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine. Linda's teaching methodology is adaptable, excelling in both individual and group settings, ensuring optimal learning outcomes for all students.

Linda Wang
Science Instructor/ Australia Education Consultant
Linda Wang graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, holding a Bachelor's degree in Medical Research and a Doctorate in Medicine. She's previously instructed at Australia's Target Coaching College, specializing in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine. Linda's teaching methodology is adaptable, excelling in both individual and group settings, ensuring optimal learning outcomes for all students.

Linda Wang
Science Instructor/ Australia Education Consultant
Linda Wang graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, holding a Bachelor's degree in Medical Research and a Doctorate in Medicine. She's previously instructed at Australia's Target Coaching College, specializing in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine. Linda's teaching methodology is adaptable, excelling in both individual and group settings, ensuring optimal learning outcomes for all students.

Mack Cheung
Science and English Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Mack Cheung graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Master's degree in Psychology. He was the Vice President of the Hong Kong International Society at the University of Edinburgh and a teaching assistant at Amwell View School. He focuses on Science and English teaching, and has in-depth understanding on student psychology, hence is good at providing students with comprehensive learning support and effective learning strategies.

Mack Cheung
Science and English Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Mack Cheung graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Master's degree in Psychology. He was the Vice President of the Hong Kong International Society at the University of Edinburgh and a teaching assistant at Amwell View School. He focuses on Science and English teaching, and has in-depth understanding on student psychology, hence is good at providing students with comprehensive learning support and effective learning strategies.

Mack Cheung
Science and English Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Mack Cheung graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Master's degree in Psychology. He was the Vice President of the Hong Kong International Society at the University of Edinburgh and a teaching assistant at Amwell View School. He focuses on Science and English teaching, and has in-depth understanding on student psychology, hence is good at providing students with comprehensive learning support and effective learning strategies.

Kevin C.
Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Kevin C. holds a Master of Education (Physics), a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Physics) and a Bachelor of Science Bsc (Physics, Psychology) from the University of Hong Kong. He has worked in several prestigious schools in Hong Kong and is a licensed IB tutor in Mathematics and Physics for 15 years. He has extensive experience in education and has an in-depth study of science. He is a passionate teacher, taught countless number of students, and has effectively helped them achieve academic success.

Kevin C.
Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Kevin C. holds a Master of Education (Physics), a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Physics) and a Bachelor of Science Bsc (Physics, Psychology) from the University of Hong Kong. He has worked in several prestigious schools in Hong Kong and is a licensed IB tutor in Mathematics and Physics for 15 years. He has extensive experience in education and has an in-depth study of science. He is a passionate teacher, taught countless number of students, and has effectively helped them achieve academic success.

Kevin C.
Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Kevin C. holds a Master of Education (Physics), a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Physics) and a Bachelor of Science Bsc (Physics, Psychology) from the University of Hong Kong. He has worked in several prestigious schools in Hong Kong and is a licensed IB tutor in Mathematics and Physics for 15 years. He has extensive experience in education and has an in-depth study of science. He is a passionate teacher, taught countless number of students, and has effectively helped them achieve academic success.

Christy Cheung
UCAT and Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Christy Cheung is studying at the University of Hong Kong in BDS Dental Surgery. She has achieved excellent grades of 5A* in GCE A-Level Sciences and Chinese, and excellent results in UCAT, with a total score of nearly 3000, outperforming 90% of medical candidates. She studied at Cardiff Sixth Form College, the UK's No. 1 high school, and has three years of experience in tutoring students from IGCSE to GCE A-Level. Christy has excellent academic performance and extensive experience in tutoring and is able to effectively improve the academic standards of her students.

Christy Cheung
UCAT and Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Christy Cheung is studying at the University of Hong Kong in BDS Dental Surgery. She has achieved excellent grades of 5A* in GCE A-Level Sciences and Chinese, and excellent results in UCAT, with a total score of nearly 3000, outperforming 90% of medical candidates. She studied at Cardiff Sixth Form College, the UK's No. 1 high school, and has three years of experience in tutoring students from IGCSE to GCE A-Level. Christy has excellent academic performance and extensive experience in tutoring and is able to effectively improve the academic standards of her students.

Christy Cheung
UCAT and Science Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Christy Cheung is studying at the University of Hong Kong in BDS Dental Surgery. She has achieved excellent grades of 5A* in GCE A-Level Sciences and Chinese, and excellent results in UCAT, with a total score of nearly 3000, outperforming 90% of medical candidates. She studied at Cardiff Sixth Form College, the UK's No. 1 high school, and has three years of experience in tutoring students from IGCSE to GCE A-Level. Christy has excellent academic performance and extensive experience in tutoring and is able to effectively improve the academic standards of her students.

Dr. Y
Science Instructor/ Star Education Consultant
Dr. Y is a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In addition, he holds a bachelor's degree in Measurement Technology and Instrumentation from the School of Electronics from Harbin Institute of Technology. His academic attainments and educational experience are able to help and motivate students to further achieve their dreams.

Dr. Y
Science Instructor/ Star Education Consultant
Dr. Y is a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In addition, he holds a bachelor's degree in Measurement Technology and Instrumentation from the School of Electronics from Harbin Institute of Technology. His academic attainments and educational experience are able to help and motivate students to further achieve their dreams.

Dr. Y
Science Instructor/ Star Education Consultant
Dr. Y is a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In addition, he holds a bachelor's degree in Measurement Technology and Instrumentation from the School of Electronics from Harbin Institute of Technology. His academic attainments and educational experience are able to help and motivate students to further achieve their dreams.

Katie Hui
Liberal Arts Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Katie Hui is studying for Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Hong Kong. She has achieved very good grades in HKDSE with 5* in Biology, Chemistry, Economics and English, and 5** in Liberal Studies. Katie has been involved in a study on "Comparison of Compressive Strength of Landfill Laminates at Different Humidity Levels". Her passion for academic research and dedication to her students make her an excellent mentor who helps students achieve their desired results and develop multi-facetedly.

Katie Hui
Liberal Arts Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Katie Hui is studying for Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Hong Kong. She has achieved very good grades in HKDSE with 5* in Biology, Chemistry, Economics and English, and 5** in Liberal Studies. Katie has been involved in a study on "Comparison of Compressive Strength of Landfill Laminates at Different Humidity Levels". Her passion for academic research and dedication to her students make her an excellent mentor who helps students achieve their desired results and develop multi-facetedly.

Katie Hui
Liberal Arts Instructor/ Hong Kong Education Consultant
Katie Hui is studying for Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Hong Kong. She has achieved very good grades in HKDSE with 5* in Biology, Chemistry, Economics and English, and 5** in Liberal Studies. Katie has been involved in a study on "Comparison of Compressive Strength of Landfill Laminates at Different Humidity Levels". Her passion for academic research and dedication to her students make her an excellent mentor who helps students achieve their desired results and develop multi-facetedly.

Jason Yip
CompSci and English Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Jason Yip holds a Masters in Data Science from Lancaster University, where he achieved a Merit, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Business Analytics and Consultancy, along with a Minor in Finance. He is proficient in multiple programming languages. Jason has gained valuable experience as a Smart2Go Technical Assistant, and as a part-time teacher's assistant and IT coordinator at a well-established school. With his expertise in data science, strong educational background, and tutoring experience, Jason is well-equipped to provide high-quality education and tutoring.

Jason Yip
CompSci and English Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Jason Yip holds a Masters in Data Science from Lancaster University, where he achieved a Merit, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Business Analytics and Consultancy, along with a Minor in Finance. He is proficient in multiple programming languages. Jason has gained valuable experience as a Smart2Go Technical Assistant, and as a part-time teacher's assistant and IT coordinator at a well-established school. With his expertise in data science, strong educational background, and tutoring experience, Jason is well-equipped to provide high-quality education and tutoring.

Jason Yip
CompSci and English Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Jason Yip holds a Masters in Data Science from Lancaster University, where he achieved a Merit, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Business Analytics and Consultancy, along with a Minor in Finance. He is proficient in multiple programming languages. Jason has gained valuable experience as a Smart2Go Technical Assistant, and as a part-time teacher's assistant and IT coordinator at a well-established school. With his expertise in data science, strong educational background, and tutoring experience, Jason is well-equipped to provide high-quality education and tutoring.

Emily Chen
Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Emily Chen pursued her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Mathematics at Imperial College London, successfully transitioning from the Chinese education system to the British education system. Emily achieved exceptional results in her A-level examinations, earning A*A*A grades. Her outstanding performance in A-level Math resulted in a perfect score of 600 out of 600. With her solid foundation in mathematics and her successful academic journey at Imperial College London, Emily is a dedicated and knowledgeable tutor who can effectively convey complex mathematical concepts and help students excel in their studies.

Emily Chen
Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Emily Chen pursued her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Mathematics at Imperial College London, successfully transitioning from the Chinese education system to the British education system. Emily achieved exceptional results in her A-level examinations, earning A*A*A grades. Her outstanding performance in A-level Math resulted in a perfect score of 600 out of 600. With her solid foundation in mathematics and her successful academic journey at Imperial College London, Emily is a dedicated and knowledgeable tutor who can effectively convey complex mathematical concepts and help students excel in their studies.

Emily Chen
Maths Instructor/ UK Education Consultant
Emily Chen pursued her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Mathematics at Imperial College London, successfully transitioning from the Chinese education system to the British education system. Emily achieved exceptional results in her A-level examinations, earning A*A*A grades. Her outstanding performance in A-level Math resulted in a perfect score of 600 out of 600. With her solid foundation in mathematics and her successful academic journey at Imperial College London, Emily is a dedicated and knowledgeable tutor who can effectively convey complex mathematical concepts and help students excel in their studies.